I first met Melissa on November 8, 2021, about a month before Abbott Elementary began airing, when I had been invited to join the test audience for two episodes: S0101 - Pilot and S0106 - Gifted Program.
Part of the evaluation process was comprised by rating each character based on how much I liked them, which traits I liked, and which aspects I wanted to see explored in the future. Unfortunately, I didn't understand a word of Melissa's accent―my impression of her was mostly that she was kind of scary and mean to Janine.
Nonetheless, I gave her full marks on all metrics solely because I thought she was cute. I got $35 for my time and I'm pretty sure I spent it all on swanky dental floss.
... I then forgot about her for a year because I don't watch TV. I wanna think I fell hard enough to have atoned for it; it was love at second sight ♥.